
If you have an interest in the future of the public school district, read on and give your input.

Dear Austin Friends, Austin ISD is embarking on its update of the Facility Master Plan, a long-range roadmap to modernizing all district facilities.

This effort is funded by the 2017 Bond program. We want your insights and perspectives on how the district can best support and strengthen district-wide priorities in the areas of:

+athletics and fitness;

+fine arts and creative learning.

+Career and Technical Education, career preparation;

We want to hear from all AISD stakeholders (including students, families, community members, taxpayers, future families, etc) because this impacts current programs, but also those that will serve and prepare students far into the future. Take the online survey to help us shape our #AISDFuture. Takes 15-20 minutes to complete and is open for two more weeks.

While AISD faces budgetary challenges to meet operational expenses (like teacher salaries, utilities, academic programming, etc.), we also need to better understand the needs of our communities and help guide the development of future capital improvement and future bond programs (which legally can’t be used for operations & maintenance). Thank you for your time and consideration,

The Facility Master Plan 2019 Team


See this link for more on the 2019 FMP update

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