
Thursday February 16, 2006 Woolridge Elementary 1412 Norseman Terrace
Greetings & Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Linda Moore. Announcements:
Linda stated that we have $10,596.00 in the NACA bank account. NACA just received a large payment from BFI that is targeted for neighborhood beautification and we need ideas for projects.
Linda announced that Mr. Ignacia Madera will be translating the NACA newsletter into Spanish on the next issue, which Lakeway Printing will be printing for free.
Today, Linda mailed 78 newsletters to residents on Lanshire and Toepperwein about code enforcement in reference to reducing trash and litter on their properties. The letters stated that if appropriate action, then legal action could be taken.
Linda also announced that construction on bus stop improvements on Rundberg between HEB and Walnut Creek Library are to start next week.
All neighborhood association presidents in IDA sector met with Austin Police Department North Central representatives to prioritize problem issues in the area. A survey was distributed at the meeting to prioritize 12 issues.
Susie Milam stated that on Keep Austin Beautiful Clean Sweep will be held on April 8th. A cleanup will be coordinated in the NACA area from 8am to 11am. After the cleanup, a party will be held by Keep Austin Beautiful at the Festival Garden’s Pavilion from 11:30am to 1:00pm.
Program: Ann Teich and Angela Baker, Who Pays and Who Benefits?
Ann discussed fostering citizenship in the student body at the schools she teaches at.
The phrase of “Common Good” was discussed. The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were examples. Angela said the Parking Ordinance was an example.
Anne mentioned three sectors that intersect that provide public goods: Civic, Government and Private. Public Goods include roads, police, community center, sewer system, fire control, schools, libraries, water and trash collection. The Private Sector includes small and large businesses and non-profit organizations.
Angela mentioned an example of NACA, BFI and the City of Austin working together to address the refuse issues in the area.
These three sectors need to be in balance with each other. When one sector grows too big then problems or deficiencies occur.
We typically pay for public goods via taxes.
Angela gave a historical view of how taxes have been established in the United States. As we developed as a nation in the 1800’s, taxation was not extreme. A premise developed that if you tax the wealthy, that there would be no investment. An income tax was established in the early 1900’s. After 1918, the government increased the income tax to pay for the war effort. In the 1920’s, the luxury tax was cut from 74 to 25%. In 1943 to 1963 was the golden age for the middle class. Payroll tax was established during this time. Public infrastructure was expanded during this time. More of the burden from taxation falls on the middle class and the small business segment.
It is difficult to control the Private Sector but we have more control over the Civic and Government Sector via our voting power and our voice at City Hall.
Next Meeting: March 16th, we will have a presentation on Spring Cleaning at the Walnut Creek Library.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm

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