
Thursday March 16, 2006 Little Walnut Creek Library 835 West Rundberg Lane
Greetings and Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Linda Moore. Announcements:
Linda Moore stated that we have $10,936.00 in the NACA bank account. Over $7,000.00 was available for beautification.
Linda discussed the results of the survey from the last meeting. The top priority was absentee landlords and property owners who are not maintaining their property. The second priority was drug hot spots; third, abandoned or junk vehicles; fourth, problems with prostitution.
On April 8th, the City of Austin is sponsoring a city wide trash pickup that will coincide with Keep Austin Beautiful Clean Sweep. Susie Milam asked if anyone is interested in going to the celebration at Fiesta Gardens after the cleanup. Please contact Susie if interested.
Program: How to Change your Luck by Eliminating Clutter by Amy Brady
Amy is a professional organizer who helps people organize their homes or business. She also runs a website
SPACE is an acronym for organizing:
S stands for sorting and putting like things together. P stands for purging. Get rid of the things that you are not using. A stands for assign. Assign a home for this item. C stands for containerize. Purchase organizing supplies. E stands for equalize. Keep it up, maintain the organizational system that you set up.
Allow enough time to complete the organizing project. It typically takes one to two full working days to organize a room in your home or office. Break the project down. Do one step during one day.
If you are emotionally attached to an item, ask yourself some questions: What is the worst thing that can happen if you give that away? Which do you value more; the item or the space?
Avoid zig-zag organizing which is starting to organize one room, then going to another room before completing the first room. Stay in the space that you are organizing. Label three
boxes the following way: Put away, give away, throw away. Divide items into those three categories.
Labeling is very helpful. Using a labeling machine is helpful.
Leave room to grow. Leave space in boxes or containers to allow for additional items to be added.
We typically wear 20% of the items in our closet.
Save tax documents and their backup for seven years.
For kids, have them organize their paperwork. Use storage containers that fit under the bed.
For photos, use shoe boxes or go to for containers to help organize photos.
Next Meeting: April 20th, at Woolridge Elementary. The program will be Code Enforcement 101. It will discuss the procedures for calling in violations.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm

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