
Thursday February 15, 2007 Wooldridge Elementary 1412 Norseman Terrace
Greetings & Introductions: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Anthony Williams.
Anthony summarized the January minutes. Anthony emphasized that a goal for this year was to reduce the number of burglaries in the NACA area. A motion was made to approve the January meeting minutes. This motion was seconded and all approved.
Anthony requested that any resident submit suggestions for improvements at Quail Creek Park. Improved lighting at Quail Creek Park has been one suggestion. A representative with the Austin American Statesman would like to interview residents who would be affected by these improvements. Please contact Anthony at 636- 5704 to submit any suggestions.
Anthony discussed the PH73 which addresses replacing billboards that are over 30 years of age and restricting the size of future billboards. Anthony expressed opposition to this. He would like more citizen input in reference to where new billboards are placed. He will be sending out emails for this and future action items. He would also like to accumulate an email distribution list to keep NACA residents informed.
A NACA resident voiced concern about criminal activity in the creek areas. Lloyd Langsdorf suggested that Easter Seals has volunteers who will cut down weeds and make the areas more visible.
Officer Lawrence Davis extended an offer to do a crime prevention survey of any NACA resident. Please call Lawrence or Kay Vargas at 974-5722 to schedule a survey. Code Enforcement is breaking up all transient camps in the creeks in the area. Also a crack house at 9011 Slayton was shut down. He encouraged residents to call 911 regarding any suspicious activity. When you call in an incident, a case or report number is generated. You can demand that a case report be written and a number assigned so you can call and follow up on these.
Sherry Pyle discussed the variance applied by the Domain to allow construction of buildings up to 415 feet in height. She expressed a concern that this variance can be approved without citizen approval. On March 24th a meeting will be held at ACC Northridge Campus in which NACA residents will have an opportunity to voice their concern. Contact Molly Scarborough for more information. Anthony has already spoken at City Council in opposition to this variance. NACA is recommending that the maximum height be 250 feet.
Susie Milam requested volunteer help for distributing door hangers for the March bul ky item cleanup.
NACA will have a booth at the community fair on Saturday February 24th at Wooldridge Elementary from 11am to 3pm.
Program: Crime Prevention; Speaker, Alfredo Santos with La Voz de North Austin Mr. Santos started La Voz de Dove Springs in 2005.
They are doing newsletters via zip code. They try to connect the community and the schools and report positive news stories in those areas. Their target is 15 newspapers in the Austin area.
They also want to put a face on crime. Behind every crime are several stories and he wants to report those stories.
The Fugitive Post is a newspaper which publishes a picture of the criminal. Mr. Santos wants to do the same with La Voz.
An advertising base is utilized to support this free newspaper. Residents are encouraged to submit articles that will be reviewed. The deadline for submitting articles is the 25th of each month.
You can submit articles via the website at Letters to the Editor are also encouraged.
This newspaper will be published once a month. It is distributed by volunteers to apartments and homes in the area. It will start in the NACA area in March.
Next Meeting: March 15th at 7:00pm at the Northpark YMCA located at the corner of Rutland and N Lamar. David Lutz with Travis County Extension Services will discuss how to prepare and improve your garden for the year.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:29pm

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