
The Austin Neighborhoods Council meeting took place on February 27, 2013.

McMansion Ordinance
City Council is looking to reduce the building permit backlog, and is questioning whether or not the McMansion Ordinance is slowing the permit process and needs to be revised if not completely thrown out.  We heard from the Planning and Development Review Department staff, who said that the backlog was caused mostly from staff loss and that all vacancies have now been filled.  Neighborhoods that have Neighborhood Conservation Combining Districts/design tools can help the permitting process by helping to write/update their Permitting Review Checklist.
Parkland Parking
I voted for and ANC members passed the counter resolution to the proposed park parking resolution.  I was against the City being able to decide which businesses were able to park in parks throughout the City.  Tom Nuckols, the ANC representative who sponsored the resolution, encourages all neighborhoods to voice its opinion on this issue to City Council.  Opposing Parkland Parking Resolution  & Parkland Parking Resolution
Land Development Code

I voted for and ANC members passed a resolution for the City Council to fund public interest representation for the LDC re-write, like what was done for the Austin Energy rate setting.
Public Interest Rep for LDC
An update was given on the 10-1 process.   The Applicant Review Panel was selected on March 4, 2013 from a random drawing of 14  qualifying auditor applicants.  The Applicant Review Panel will select the top 60 applicants for the Redistricting Commission.  Those 60 applicants will be reviewed by City Council in May, who may strike one applicant each.  The City Auditor will randomly draw eight members of the Commission.  Those eight members will choose the remaining six for the Commission, making a total of 14 members.  10-1 UPDATE February 27, 2013
-Domenic and Melinda Schiera


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