
Get Involved with CodeNEXT!
CodeNEXT is the City of Austin initiative to revise its Land Development Code, which determines how land can be used throughout the city, including what can be built, where it can be built, and how much can or cannot be built. The Land Development Code has a significant impact on our daily lives, from shaping the kinds of places where we live, work, and play, to influencing the design of our streets and public spaces.
The goal of CodeNEXT is to revise Austin’s land use standards and regulations to preserve and enhance the best qualities of our communities; to be fair, predictable and easy to use; and to align with the policies and priorities set out in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the City Council in 2012.
How Can You Get Involved?
• Attend the Public Comment Meeting, January 12, 6pm. The Land Development Code Advisory Group (CAG) will hold a special meeting to hear public comments or concerns on any issues related to CodeNEXT or land development generally, Tuesday, January 12, 6pm, at Town Lake Center, 721 Barton Springs Road (Austin Energy Building). Speakers will be limited to three minutes each. Parking is available in the garage directly behind the building.
• Attend Regular Monthly CAG Meetings on First Mondays. Beginning in February, regular monthly CAG meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month, from 6pm-9pm, at a location to be announced. CAG meetings will generally provide updates from city staff and consultants on the drafting process, as well as invited presentations and discussion by CAG members of any related issues. All regular CAG meetings also include a limited time for the public to voice comments, concerns or suggestions.
• Stay In Touch. Find more information and sign up for regular CodeNEXT updates at:

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