
Hello! As a reminder, our next meeting is this Thursday, January, 17th, 7:00 PM at the North Austin Community Center/YMCA, 1000 W. Rundberg.  It’s our first meeting of the year and hope to see everyone.
Check out the meeting agenda. Officer elections for 2019 will be held and we are currently looking for someone to serve as Vice President.  Connie Gonzalez, NACA resident and staff from the Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP) will provide a presentation on the Quail Creek Park improvement project. There are also plans to improve the Cook Elementary School Park in February and beyond.  Additionally, members will get a summary of 2019-NACA-priorities and hear any updates from committee chairs and project leads.
Lastly, don’t forget to pay your 2019 dues.  For more information and to pay online, visit the Join Our Membership page on our website.
You can pay dues online or send them by mail to:
NACA Treasurer
P.O. Box 180803
Austin, Texas 78718

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