Download Here: August 2021 NACA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 19 August 2021Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Matt Myers called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
The following statement of Land Rights was read by President Matt Myers:
“The North Austin Civic Association (NACA) would like to acknowledge that the land boundaries of NACA are original territory of a number of Indigenous peoples–– specifically the Numunuu also known as Comanche Nation and the Tonkawa Tribe. We honor and thank the Indigenous peoples connected to this territory where we live and gather. NACA will work towards decolonizing our practices, and make our Civic Association an inclusive space for all.”
Treasurer’s Report
The General Fund contains $3,134.17 and there are currently 104 members. The Beautification Fund totals $13,308.97, with slightly more than $10,000 invested and $2,249.35 available for neighborhood beautification projects.
The Secretary position is still vacant, for anyone willing to take some simple bullet-point notes to stay in touch with our meetings.
Allison Scharf reported on street clean-ups—next one on Saturday Sept. 11 at 8:30 am at Rutland and Parkfield, and will mask up and remain socially distant to clean Rutland from Parkfield to Lamar. The details are on the NACA website.
The City Council approved the formal naming of the park at Payton Gin and North Lamar as “Heron Hollow Pocket Park” at their July 29th meeting. The information from the past president Brian
Austin Parks Kimberly McNeely says they are fabricating the new sign, which is scheduled to be installed between August 25th and August 27th. NACA hopes to have a former rededication of the park, but later when the COVID pandemic is better under control.
With rise of the delta variant of COVID-19, the membership drive planned for the Fall of 2021 will be postponed until Spring 2022, hoping no other variants pop up. Similarly, for the foreseeable future, we will remain on Zoom until we get back to Stage 2 or Stage 1.
Caro and Mary will be painting the retaining wall with a mural on Fairfield between Jamestown and Delaware Court between 7 am and 9 pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday ]August 20 through 22, with stencilling in the following week. Get in touch with Caro at
Approval of June 2021 Meeting Minutes
The June meeting minutes were approved by the membership.
Austin Police Department, Ruben Espinoza, District Rep for Region 2
Power shift has been added to Edwards Sector—a 10–12 evening shift added during the time that the majority of the calls are coming in. Commander Vallejo is in Adams sector, but he is very familiar with how statistics.
Because there is no sign at Ron Rigsby Park indicating that there is not a halo camera there. There is concern about drug activity at the Park. The same might be true for Heron Hollow Park as well.
Has there been an uptick in racing and inappropriate driving behavior? Car clubs are coming out more often. From time to time, APD has cracked down on gatherings at the Marketplace on North Lamar and near Parmer and I-35. This is a problem throughout the city—often with car clubs from Houston and other cities, not just Austin.
What’s the best way that neighborhood groups can support APD in making our neighborhood safe and fair? Vote and call your City Councilmember to make sure he’s aware of your interest and involvement. So a number of specialized units—undercover, district reps, etc. have been cut in half to provide more officers on patrol. So anything to increase cadet classes, etc. would be helpful.
The Briardale area has had a lot break-ins and speeding down the road in the past 4 months. Michael’s house has been struck by a drunk driver, resulting in structural damage to the house. The best way for neighbors on Briardale to reduce incidents about speeding and break-ins is to work with the neighborhood watch coordinator and to make calls to 911 for criminal problems and 311 for code violations. The squeaky wheel approach is needed.
The APD website includes the Chief’s Monthly Reports shows all the crime reports in the area. THe website also includes CrimeViewer that shows crime in your area. The Austin Police Department Region 2 District Representatives have a Facebook Group “APD Region 2 DRs.” APD’s District Representatives will also do free home security audits of your house to eliminate potential for crime.
Austin Code Department, Moses Rodriguez, cell: 512-420-6714
Moses has been in the department for 16 years in the North Austin—it is important to vote and stay engaged with your elected City Council members. The District Representatives from Austin Police Department are also partners in helping with issues for Code Enforcement. The area covered by Moses includes everything that is the City of Austin from Manor to Howard Lane and south to MLK. Right now, this area has two open positions.
The International Property Maintenance Code is what is being enforced in the City of Austin. Some of the smaller issues can be handled in Administrative Hearings without requiring weekly fines.
Ann Teich is part of a group of women, Austin Women in Housing keeping an eye on issues of repeat offenders and delinquent landlords. She wanted to commend the Director of Code, José Roig, who since his arrival in Austin in November 2020, has vastly improved the Code department significantly, and that the Code officers are working very hard. She invites anyone interested in joining Austin Women in Housing to contact her for more information.
In cases, of too much trash and overgrowth on a residential property, as on Macmora near Kramer, it could be an issue for Code Enforcement. The overgrown trees over a sidewalk is probably an issue for the right-of-way team. The right-of-way team is backlogged by about 30 days.
Another property near Quail Valley and Rutland, has cars parked in the yards, trailers with construction materials parked there, apparently operating businesses out of that very small properties and frequent yard sales—not just by residents. Code Enforcement has fined the property owner at least once recently. However, there is a backlog in Municipal Court because of the pandemic. For abatement to take place, they have to be get a warrant.
However, someone operating a business out of a residence can only be addressed if the residence are caught in the act. There are officers who can investigate on evenings and weekends.
Code enforcement can only deal with the homeless camping ban when the homeless move to a private property. Dealing with it on public right-of-way is for the city or state transportation department to work on.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm by President Matt Myers.
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