
NACA co-president Jared Noble called the meeting to order at 7:10PM

Brian LaCour presented the treasurer’s report.  The end of March balance for our general fund was $2,426.59.  The end of March balance for the Beautification Fund was $14,079.38 of which $3,562.48 is available to be spent in 2024 and $10,101.34 is invested to produce income for future year spending.  Brian also announced that the IRS has approved our 501(c)3 nonprofit status.  One of the first benefits of this accomplishment is Google will be providing our hosting and email services for free.  Our previous monthly cost with Google was around $100/month.

Matt moved to approve last month’s minutes.  Ann seconded the motion. Everyone voted to approve the minutes.

John Green reported on the membership drive.  A stapling party will be scheduled for April 27th and the distribution of the flyers will take place over the next two or three weekends.

Brian LaCour reported on the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposal.  The first phase of the proposal would be for $75,000 to study the parameters for the project.  A second proposal would be submitted at a later time where a system meeting the criteria defined in phase I and would include $1,000,000 for implementation.  We have received letters of support from both the Austin Police Department and Councilmember Chito Vela’s which will accompany NACA’s previously approved letter of support.

Ann Teich explained the two pronged approach being used to promote NACA’s campaign against celebratory gun shooting.  The committee is working with AISD to put together a curriculum that will teach AISD students the dangers of celebratory gunfire.  The second prong of the project is to distribute flyers along with our membership drive flyer and to also display these flyers in other local public places including on as local food trucks.

Jared introduced Allen Vaughan who has been the owner of the Colony Creek Apartments since October of 2023.  He has attended the last few NACA meetings and has been exploring how NACA and apartment owners in the area can work together for the benefit of everyone in the neighborhood.

Jared announced that the Redfield Apartments are under contract for purchase by the Santa Maria Hostel, Inc.  The property would be used as a treatment center for women experiencing substance abuse who have children.  Austin lost the last similar treatment center during Covid and women who have children and needed addiction services have been forced to go to Dallas or Houston to get these services.

Mark Grayson announced many of our local schools would be going through construction thanks to the school bonds.  Follow this activity at

John Fletcher provided an update on the Little Walnut Creek flood mitigation project.  Recent rains have slowed the process a bit.  The Parkfield/Mearns Meadow intersection should be completed within a week or two and will then move west on Mearns Meadow.

Randy nominated Allen Vaughan to be vice president of NACA.  Dave Davis seconded.  All in attendance voted “aye”.

Mark Grayson moved adjournment.  8:29.

Respectfully Submitted

Randy Teich

Secretary for the Meeting

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