
Happy New Year! Our next meeting is January 16th 2020, 7 pm at the COA/YMCA North Austin Community Rec Center located at 1000 W. Rundberg. Note that elections for NACA Board Officers will take place. All members in good standing with dues paid for 2020 are eligible to serve and to vote. We still have positions that are needing to be filled for 2020. The current slate includes co-presidents Melinda Schiera and Isa Boonto-Zarifis, vice-president Matt Myers, secretary is VACANT, and treasurer Brian La Cour.
Additionally, Congressman Lloyd Doggett’s office will join the meeting to discuss federal action items that their office has been working on, as well as receive input from community stakeholders.
We will begin some initial planning for the year, and all attendees will submit requests for meeting topics for the year. We look forward to seeing you!

View Full Agenda Here:

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