
NACA President Randy Teich called the meeting to order.

Minutes accepted as amended to say Dave DAVIS seconded motion on MOU with Settlement Home.

Caro Dubois provided an update on the flyer distribution project.  95% fliers have been distributed and membership is increased.

Treasurer’s report: Brian La Cour reported we have $1,322.78 in our general fund.  The beautification fund has $10,426.39 invested and $3,562.48 available for current year beautification projects.  We have currently have 141 members which is up from 128 at the end of May.  Brian reported some former members who’d been off for a few years have rejoined. We should consider the membership drive to be successful.  Brian noted that Venmo has been used a lot more to pay dues this year.  Brian also clarified that beautification funds can be used for graffiti abatement, especially the fence near Rutland and Parkfield.

Caro announced that the Coalition of North Austin Neighborhoods (aka “CONAN”) is making plans to host a city council candidate forum. The forum would be for city council districts 4 and 7 and for mayor and would be held prior to the start of early voting.  Candidates have until mid-August to file their candidacy.

Ann Teich presented the Safety Committee report. Flyers have been passed out to food trucks.  Plans are to get flyers to the YMCA and Library. Discussion are ongoing with AISD about tweaking its contents. In negotiation with DC Law who may sponsor 5000 more. Or may ask AISD print shop for the printing.  Other items reported were that the application for NSF Stage 1 has been filed with results expected by August and that APD vows to heighten attention to gunshots around July 4.

Development Code update with Monica Guzmán.

75% of public speakers against. This opposition led to the addition of an Amendment for Equity Displacement Overlay.  Critics have pointed out that If something is uninhabitable, it can be destroyed and replaced, but current language doesn’t provide clear guidelines about what qualifies something as “uninhabitable”.  

Equitable Transit-Oriented Development were combined (not published yet) Rent is coming down, but for high-end units, not for affordable

Mayor proposed limiting height between existing code and proposed. Still concerning because it will cut off sunlight to others, including solar panels.

Gap funding ordinance for HOME Phase2 is still pending.

Randy gave a short description of the Citizens’ Police Academy: a 14- wk program put on by APD. Give everyone information on all aspects of their tools and work, from 911 to training center to mounted patrol and ride-along. Agreements and connections with AISD police, Travis County Sheriff, UT Police, etc. to provide SWAT support, etc. They invite skeptics.

Code enforcement is driven by people’s complaints. Parking on lawn should be a 311 complaint ( call or use the 311 app) to police.

Presentation from Allen Vaughn, vice president, owner and investor in community. APD’s strategic plan and goals—how can we as NACA complement their work and identifying what we can do on our own, and hold stakeholders accountable to include us.  Identify high crime areas on community connect website for APD. Let’s focus on areas causing most harm, and identify preventive measures.  Leverage multifamily property owners to connect with NACA and build relationships. Communication with our residents to report issues and be responsible community members.

Be able to demonstrate what works and what didn’t work out. Examine cost-benefit analysis, but have ideas come from the community, and to hold others accountable, from APD to City Council District 4 to ourselves.

Just starting—there are miles to go.

Randy: NACA wants to be a voice for all residents, not just homeowners. We are the voice for others at the city level.

Ann Teich: ATXPeace is a community violence prevention program that has been very successful in Georgian Acres. Wants to have a jail-to-jobs program in the NACA area. Executive Director Abel Lopez will come to a future meeting. They can connect with the residents who are involved in crimes or victims of crime.

John Fletcher, Little Walnut Creek Flood Remediation Project. Intending to reach out to seniors so contractors are more careful about blocking their homes. They may have trouble walking to their car or realizing how to get out of neighborhood despite construction. Also working with youth to inform them about what is involved in construction, including danger of cutting off internet, replacing old wastewater lines.  Work is proceeding on schedule. No holes in the ground are left open overnight. Still scheduled to end summer of 2026.  Many homeowners don’t know that there is an easement on the properties, and people are putting up fences and things on the easements.

Mark Grayson proposed getting a rough estimate from a neighbor on his street for repairing the brickwork on the neighborhood entryway at Rutland and Mountain Quail, which was hit and partly destroyed in a car crash.

Linda Davis motioned to adjourn, seconded by Monica Guzmán

Mark Grayson and Randy Teich

Substitute Meeting Secretaries

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