
Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CDT)
Gus Garcia Recreation Center
1201 East Rundberg Lane
Austin, TX 78753
Would you like to explore how you can help build a healthier and safer neighborhood?
Would you like to explore ways your agency can be more effective?
What I can do to make a difference in my neighborhood?
The Restore Rundberg Leadership Team and the Community Advancement Network (CAN) invite you to an afternoon workshop on Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD). This workshop is for neighborhood residents, nonprofit agencies, churches, and local government interested in discovering the power of ABCD to help build stronger, healthier, connected communities by unlocking the gifts of residents, associations, and organizations.   To register for the workshop go to .
•Introduction to ABCD – Definitions & Principles
•Examples of ABCD in action
•Why Place-Based Strategies and Community Engagement are Critical
•The roles of Residents in Building a Stronger Community
•The New Role of Institutions – How Institutions Can Use All Their Assets to Build a Stronger Community and raise more resources
•Tools for Agencies and Local Governmental Institutions – Leading By Stepping Back
•Asset Mapping – Discover-Ask-Connect – From Mapping to Mobilizing
•Learning Conversations – How to Connect and Engage Residents
•Connector Leaders – Effective leadership in Today’s World
•The belief that healthy communities are built by focusing on the strengths and capacities of the citizens and associations that call the community “home.”
•The belief that the assets of a community’s institutions can be identified and mobilized to build community.
•A range of approaches and tools, such as asset mapping and community engagement that can put these beliefs into practice.
Dan Duncan is a faculty member of the ABCD Institute at Northwestern University. Dan is a longtime human services professional who has helped communities and agencies recognize the value and power of engaging the entire community to help build stronger, healthier and safer communities. For more information on Dan, visit
A healthy breakfast will be provided.

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